Thursday, September 8, 2011

A room fit for a boy...

 For a couple months now I have wanted to change Logan's room to a toddler room but I just did not want to invest a lot of money in it since I know in a couple years he might want a themed room. Researching some cute rooms online I fell in love with Pottery Barn. I loved the plaids and the rich colors and the simple themes through out the room. My goal these last couple months was to redo logans nursery and make him a room that I loved.

I was never a fan of Logan's nursery, but here is the room before the change.

My sweet mother in law did help me and make a curtain,bed skirt and bed spread that I love and will use for next baby. However, I could not find a picture. You get the idea. The room is small.

After Logan turned one I started redoing his room. Looking through Pottery Barn's website I loved the idea of trees on the wall. I went to this link for the tree idea.

Here is the tree...

The other idea I got from Pottery Barn was to use bold colors in the furniture. We are using my baby dresser in Logan's room and I took a risk but painted it red. The same red left over from one wall in our master bed room.

I spray painted the handles a color that we have used on a couple mirrors in our house.

The next couple pictures are the finished room with the price break down. I was trilled that we spent very little for a very similar look that would have cost a lot more.

Lamp: Found at Goodwill for $3

Blue container: Free from Target with coupon

Dresser: My old dresser that we painted from paint we had

Teal Lantern: Free from Pier One with coupon

Silver Lantern: Found at Lowes on clearance for $1.20

Black Latern: Found at Hobby Lobby and was $6.00 ( I bought it for outside first then put it in here)

 Wood Curtain Rod: Free from that a lady passed down to me which we painted with  paint we had

Curtain: From Marshalls for $6

Train/car rug- Was Nathan's growing up

Train hanging on dresser- Dollar Tree painted grey from paint we had  $1

"L" and dots were from his nursery already

TOTAL: $17.20

Used the laterns to store items that I really do not want Logan just to have out. The silver one has crayons in it. The black one has markers and the teal one has colored pencils. I have had all these stored else where and got them after school started a couple years ago. Pottery Barn used laterns for toys and marbles which was really cute!!!

                             Bunk Bed: $160 from a place going out of business near our house!
                             Nautica bed spread: Bed Bath and Beyond and was $70 with 30% off

                                             * I did look at Home Goods, TJ Max and Marshalls and they have items like this for a lot less. I really wanted certain colors,so I did spend a little bit more on this than I wanted. However, it is a great brand and will last!

                                        Star Light: IKEA for $4.99 

                                        Tree paint was old from our hall bathroom.

                                        Blue bed spread: Had this from a couple years ago

                                              * Wanting to get another Nautica one for top but the solid color will work. We are trading my parents for smaller top matress. We had both matresses from before ( trundle bed).

                                                       TOTAL: $234

 I love how organized every room Pottery Barn showcases. I know kids do not really live in those rooms but I wanted something like that.

                         Book shelf: walmart for $12.98
                              * Was going to price match with target ad for $13.00 , but did not have to.

                        Colored bins- Dollar tree for $1 each.  $5 total

                         Blue tub basket- Was a gift from my baby shower

                          Train on wall-  Found at Dollar Tree for $1 and was used for his first bday

                                                         TOTAL: $19.98


Grand Total : $271. 18

Pottery barn has great sales when you have lots of time to redo a room. Here is there sale website: Sale

Some other websites that I was watching was here and here.

Some tips:

Make sure you sign up for each stores email to get coupon codes or maybe even free shipping on your first order.

If you order online check at this website for coupon codes for maybe a discount or free shipping.

Hope this inspires you to be creative and be patient for deals to come.

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