Sunday, May 22, 2011

My BizzyBabyBee...

The other day I took my dog, Gracie, to the vet. I left my little one at home with his daddy so I could make sure that Gracie was not even more stressed about going to the vet than she was. While we were waiting to be called back to the room I noticed that there was an over population of bees flying all over the garden area near the waiting room window. I watched in amazement of how fast they would land on a flower and then ZOOM off to look for another flower. They were sure 'BIZZY.'

I could not help but relate that story to my little one. He is so 'bizzy' and moves so fast from one toy to another. He learns my touching, smelling and tasting everything he comes in contact with even if it is for just 2 seconds. It sure makes it hard for his momma to find things rather it is through books, toys or other objects to help keep his interest in learning. I never want him to become bored of learning since this is a time in his life where he loves to learn and to be totally honest- needs to keep learning so he can pollinate others around him when the time comes.

My 'bizzy' baby bee is my life. I love watching him learn through new life experiences that are old and even maybe boring to me. I thought this blog would be neat to start to help all of you mommas and Dada's to be creative in helping your child learn in different ways that maybe you had no idea you could implement.

I plan on starting a list of books for infants that are fun,short and creatively written to help our little 'bizzybabybees' stay focused and learn the importance of reading and the joy a book can bring.

I plan on starting a list of creative learning games that you can make for your baby to have fun and learn colors, shapes, numbers and even maybe a new language.

I have a lot of plans and ideas for this page. Please join in the fun and lets teach our 'bees' how to spread their wings.

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