Monday, May 23, 2011

Rolling into Tuesday...

Well, I am finally getting a second to write my idea for creative learning for Tuesday. It is 12:01 am on the dot and this starts my free time. Yes, I need sleep, but I am eager to get this blog started!

I am thinking of having a cute simple easy craft that will be fun for you to make to help teach your child something new and make it adaptable for all stages. I recently went to a couple yard sales this past weekend and came across some soft blocks or as I would call them 'dice.' I love anything that has bright colors and is cheap. These four blocks were four different colors and have pictures of things that I could easily sit down and talk with Logan about on a 10 month old level. Plus to add to the great find they are Baby Einstein brand, so it was a must. Today, we rolled them around and talked about the colors and then tried to find other objects in the house that matched the color die that were we learning about.

Here is a fun easy pattern to make your own. If you are not a sewer then go ahead and follow the patterns and just use craft glue for your seams instead of stitching. It would work. Be creative and post the pictures or ideas of what you are going to make on your die. What are you going to teach your baby this week?

*****pattern for blocks  or use this one pattern #2

For older kids try this:

I have a game that I bought like this but you could make one in no time and it would be so easy!! Make the dice and use different colors. Then on colored paper (the same colors on your die) list, print or draw actions that your child can do. It can be anything from 'hug your mom', 'find a shoe', 'find something that starts with the letter A', or even as simple as 'jump.' I would make 5 action (or more) cards for each color. Then have your child roll the dice and whatever color is on top he/she would choose a card of that same color then do the action on it. It is a fun easy learning game to change the week up.

Post what your ideas to share with us! Ready...set....roll...

1 comment:

  1. What a cute idea! If I had the time I would definitely make those with colors and shapes, and maybe different fruits and animals.
