Thursday, May 26, 2011

Out of the box...

What a cute picture to introduce another idea for hands on learning. I would love to claim this, but I can not take the credit.

I am finding at the 11 month old stage that my 'bizzybabybee' loves to take things out of a box or bucket and then put it back in. He will do this over and over again. I was reading in a magazine today of an idea that I want to try regarding this idea. You could do it many ways, but the idea was getting a shoe box with a lid and cutting a little hole in the top so the 'bizzybabybee' can put his/her hand through enough to feel,touch and pull objects that you place in the box out. Fill the box with items that you can talk about like shapes, fruit, kitchen spoons, socks,balls,small book,shoe, rocks and other items that would be fun to feel  and  pull out to see what it is. You could even do items that they could taste like a ripe piece of fruit or crackers.

Sounds fun to me!! I love 'out of the box' ideas that will get Logan's attention and fun for his momma.

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