Sunday, May 22, 2011

"Children are made readers on the laps of their parents. "   

     - Emilie Buchwald

And so it begins, the list that I have wanted to create for sometime. I take Logan to the library every Thursday and I just look and look at the books and have no idea which ones we will like reading, but I just grap them just so I have a couple new ones to read for that night. I have come across some books that were good, some okay, some sad, some funny and some that were captive for even my 10 month old. Those are the ones that I want to make the charts for other mommies to go seek, find and read. There is a ongoing list on the bottom of this blog and I plan to update it one day a week with books that you recommend.

I have three that I have to share with you!

  1. A Bear and His Boy    by:Sean Bryan
  2. Stay Awake Sally    by:Mitra Modarressi
  3. The Adventures of Old Bo Bear    by:Alice Schertle
What are some of your favorite child's books? What should make the book club list this week?

1 comment:

  1. Kayla has two favorites that shes had for a while now:

    Time to Say Goodnight by Sally Lloyd-jones and Jane Chapman

    The Potty Train by David Hochman and Ruth Kennison

    The first one is very rhythmic and soothing and a good bed time book. The second is good for potty training time obviously but I started reading it to Kayla even before then and she loves it. Both books she wants read over and over and over again!
